Pushkin and Gogol

Gogol (falls off one side of the stage, behind the curtains, and lies there quietly).

Pushkin (walks in, trips over Gogol and falls): Damn! I must have tripped over Gogol!

Gogol (getting up): Such a headache! They wouldn't let me rest! (Walks, trips over Pushkin and falls). Must've tripped over Pushkin!

Pushkin (getting up): Not a minute of rest! (Walks, trips over Gogol and falls). Damn! Must be over Gogol again.

Gogol (getting up): He is always in my way! (Walks, trips over Pushkin and falls). This is such a headache! Must've tripped again over Pushkin!

Pushkin (getting up): Hooliganism! Vicious hooliganism! (Walks, trips over Gogol and falls). Damn! Must be over Gogol again!

Gogol (getting up): What a vicious harasment! (Walks, trips over Pushkin and falls). Must've tripped over Pushkin!

Pushkin (getting up): Damn! Really, damn! (Walks, trips over Gogol and falls). Over Gogol!

Gogol (getting up): Headache! (Walks, trips over Pushkin and falls). Over Pushkin!

Pushkin (getting up): Damn! (Walks, trips over Gogol and falls behind the stage). Over Gogol!

Gogol (getting up): Headache! (Walks off the stage).

Gogol's voice can be heard from behind the stage: "Over Pushkin!".

The curtains descend.


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